Evangelism Giving Totals
Sunday: $2,246
Monday: $3,450
Tuesday: $6,370
Wednesday: $8,336
Thursday: $ 11,939
Sabbath Concert
The Sabbath concert with Jennifer La-
Mountain will not be live streamed. Please
join us in person today at 3:00pm in Stuart
Trolley Service
Your tired feet will be happy to make
use of the trolley service running from
Lambuth Inn to the Welcome Center with
stops along the way. Anyone under the age
of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Scooter Caution
There have been several near-misses
with the children and teens riding scooters
on campus this week. Please caution them
to take excessive care and follow traffic
rules to avoid any incidents.
Staying at the campground?
For your safety, if you are staying at the
campground, please drive to the meetings,
as there is no crosswalk to safely cross the
busy highway. If you need to return to the
campground and are on foot, inform the
Mini Bus driver, as they will only stop at
the campground by request. The trolley
will not stop at the campground.
Mobile App
Find all the info you need for camp
meeting and more on our Carolina
Conference app, available in the Apple
and Android app stores (search: Carolina
Conference or Carolina Adventist). Enable
push notifications to receive updates
Audio Recordings
Download recordings of the speakers
and seminars (with a 24-hour delay) from
www.carolinasda.org. After camp meeting,
the audio files will be available on
our Carolina Conference podcast channel,
which can be found on iTunes, Google
Play, and Stitcher. Watch a live stream of
camp meeting (Stuart Auditorium meetings
only) on our website and app.
Prison Ministry
Come meet and hear testimonies from
Jim Wetmore and Larry Barker regarding
Prison Ministries. This afternoon at 2:00
p.m. in Terrace Hotel, room 316.
Come to the exhibit hall and pick up an
application for the Carolina Retirees Association
and find out about our four major
events each year. You may also pick up the
latest edition of our newsletter. Hope to
see you there!
MPA Tent
Mount Pisgah Academy has free
lemonade and water at the large tent next
to the auditorium. MPA’s alumni association
holds an annual golf tournament to
support their worthy student fund, called
the Touch a Life scholarship. Enter a daily
drawing for a free golf shirt. No cost or
donation is required. Stop for a refreshing
drink and enter a chance to win.
Teachers Needed
Contact Rick Anderson for more information.
randerson@carolinasda.org (704)
Adventist Christian Academy of
Raleigh: Secondary Teacher (science or
social studies preferred)
Asheville-Pisgah Christian School: 1st
Grade Teacher
Cornerstone Adventist Academy (Charlotte):
1st-8th Grade Teacher
Five Oaks Adventist Christian School
(Durham): Upper (5th-8th) or Lower (1st-
4th) Grades Teacher
Bluegrass Sing-a-long
Bring your voice, instruments and song
requests to join in with the Bluegrass
Sing-a-long. Join us this afternoon and
enjoy uplifting music from 2:00-3:00 p.m.
at the Harrell Center, Lower Level.
Commissioning Service
This afternoon at 4:30pm is the commissioning service for Kathy Russell, Children’s Ministry Director of the Carolina
Conference. Kathy has been such a blessing
to our Conference for so many years.
Pathfinder and Adventurer Parade
Join us for the Pathfinder and Adventurer
Parade this afternoon from 6:30 to
6:45 p.m. The march starts at the pool and
proceeds to Stuart Auditorium, followed
by the Pathfinder and Adventurer award
Booth Displays:
Come by and see the informative
and beautiful booths at Harrell Center,
Room 201. You’ll find information about
ministries you can get involved in, schools
and institutions around the Conference,
and more. Be sure to pick up some of the
free items they are sharing!