The scent of candles and kindly smiles convey a sense of warmth at the booths on the top floor of the Harrell Center. Schools, universities, missions, and ministries create a soft background of conversation as students learn about opportunities and missionaries discover where to serve next. Among the representatives sits a handsome lad with white tinting his otherwise reddish-brown hair, a beaming smile accentuating his big brown eyes. Meet Cody, Southern Adventist University’s newest representative.

Cody loves people and hopes to greet every passerby personally! If he’s on duty, he’ll tell you about some of Southern’s giveaways and hand out free stickers and merchandise to those he meets. He especially loves meeting the little humans his height, who tend to give him the most treats.
When asked why everyone at camp meeting should visit the booths this year, his answer was simple, “Hoomins should visit the booths ‘cause I might be there, and I’m the best.” If you are a student thinking about the next step, an individual seeking to engage with what God is doing worldwide, or simply wanting to pet Cody, stop by the booths on the top floor of the Harrell Center. It’s never too late to take the next step into a broader world.