What to know…
Fees: For many years Nosoca Pines Ranch has operated below the average cost of camps in our area while still providing the best amenities any Carolina summer camp could offer. We believe if you compare what other camps have, you’ll agree that Nosoca Pines Ranch is still the best choice for you this summer. See our Schedule and Fees page for current prices. Please register online. Fees include lodging, meals, activities, and secondary accident insurance. Camp store items are NOT INCLUDED in the camp fee. All camps (except family camp) are seven (7) day sleep-over camps.
(Friendly tip: by 2:00 p.m. there is usually no wait to start registration.) Those bringing children to camp should provide their own noon meal before arrival. A lice check will happen prior to registration and all campers will need to be lice free to register. All minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Camp store: A camper can open a store account to purchase camp souvenirs, snacks, personal items, and other things. You may add it to your online registration or simply open it when you check-in on registration day. We accept Visa, Master Card, checks, or cash.
Registration: Registration is from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Plan to register (check-in) during this time period ONLY. Allow about one hour to get through the check-in process. Campers wanting to stay in the same cabin will need to come through the registration line together. This ensures their parents or guardians are in agreement.
Check-out: Pick-up time for departing campers is 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. For your convenience, if you are unable to pick up your camper before 10:30 a.m., we provide child care a $10.00 for any part of the first hour, and $10.00 per hour thereafter. Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. The cost is $7.00 per child and $8.00 per adult. If you are dropping campers off there is NO charge for campers waiting for you to pick them up. There is no child care charge for campers staying over for another week of camp and we will do their laundry for free!
About the Cabins: The cabins are bunk bed-style and sleep up to 12 campers with two counselors. All cabins are air-conditioned and have two full bathrooms.
"May I share a cabin with my friends?" YES! However, we ask that groups of friends not exceed four. This will prevent one or two campers from feeling they are left out of the group. And one of the most exciting and wonderful parts of the Nosoca camp experience is the chance to make new friends that can last a lifetime.
Mail Call: All campers love to receive mail. Unfortunately, mail sometimes gets here after the camper has left. Please mail early and don’t forget the return address. If your camper misses the mail, we will return it to you. We would be happy to take your mail at registration and hand it out on the day you indicate. The camp mailing address is Nosoca Pines Ranch, P.O. Box 200, Liberty Hill, SC 29074. Please put the camper’s full name, the camp they are attending, AND the name of their cabin on all mail.
Visitors: You are welcome to come on the opening and closing days of camp (Sunday). For security reasons, if you wish to visit on any other day or to take a camper from the camp program, arrangements must be made with the camp director in advance.
Medical: A camp nurse will be on duty 24 hours a day with an infirmary available for minor ailments. EMT service and medical facilities are available in Camden, SC, which is 25 miles away.